Windowing system of the future in the mirror of the present

This article is still being written.

Graphical windowing systems (also called GUI, though, technically, GUI can be organized around different principles) are considered to be one of the primary components in design of modern computer systems. Windows are used to manage output of multiple applications sharing the same output device and allow for considerable increase in interaction bandwidth between user and computer.

Roughly speaking, there are two kinds of windowing systems currently in existence: those which were designed more than 20 years ago and those built around so called “web technologies”. I shall argue, in this article, that it may be about time to design a new windowing system, which departs from the traditional approach by borrowing obviously successful concepts from web interfaces. It so appears, that one step in right direction was already made many years ago (Sun NeWS windowing system), but it was not the right time, and probably, not the right implementation approach for that system to be successful.

Basic architecture and abilities of the traditional windowing system

It worth remembering that graphical windowing systems were first developed when workstations had essentially minuscule performance compared to what we used to these days. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that for a personal workstation of the early 1980’s drawing an user interface on the display was the most demanding task, both in terms of latency and throughput. This performance issue was there to last. Only lately, somewhere around 2005, graphical capabilities of an average workstation started to conveniently exceed the actual demand for graphical quality. For 25 years beforehand, windowing systems continuously struggled for every additional mbps of throughput and every reduced millisecond of latency. Slow and expensive inter-computer networking posed an additional limiting factor in traditional windowing system design.

Because of the reason stated, traditional windowing systems feature a rather messy and unusual programing interfaces. Most of the time, application programs has no need to use them, as during the prolonged period of continuous evolution, layers of helper toolkits were layered atop the basic interface, hiding it almost completely. What the higher level toolkits can not do, however, is to alter the basic traits of windowing system operation, which are fully mandated by its foundation.

If we choose to to abstract ourselves from the particularities of the specific programing interfaces, it will become clear that graphical applications don’t do anything too unusual. Typical such application shall interact with two important devices: output, behaving like a remote memory interface and input, of simple message passing type.

Drawing the output

To conserve resources, traditional windowing system tried to maintain as little output state, as possible. It worst case, only information about pixels actually present in user visible display area was retained. Therefore, every user action leading to change of the exposed window area requires the controlled application to redraw the window, either partially or completely.

Getting the input

While output device operation is fairly straightforward, default input device historically evolved into a rather curious beast. First, it way too often relies on a set of custom, used only in context of graphic subsystem, programing interfaces. Second, it delivers an assortment of rather unrelated information packets, which cover some aspects of user/application interaction, but not other.

Information packets delivered through the typical windowing system application input fall into several broad categories:

Output state notifications

Packets of this type inform application of the changes in its output state. Output window can be resized, hidden, obstructed or suffer some other mishap, of which application must be made aware.

Input state notifications

Also known as focus tracking. Customarily, it is up to a windowing system to decide which specific part of application window is expected to act as receiver of user input.

Keyboard events

Keys, pressed by user on a keyboard have no spatial information associated with them. That’s where input state comes handy - key presses are assumed to be delivered to the part of application which owns the focus.

If there are multiple keyboard or keyboard-like devices available on the given systems their input messages are merged into a single stream is such a way as to make them indistinguishable from each other. Application, of course, always has an option to bypass the windowing system altogether and obtain its input directly from operating system interfaces, but this is complicated and may lead to undesirable effects, especially in unforeseen scenarios.

Pointer events

Everything said about keyboard events applies to pointer events as well, with the obvious distinction of pointer events do have absolute spatial coordinates attached.

Lots of other stuff

Depending on a specific windowing system implementation there can be many more message formats governing other interesting aspects of application/windowing system interoperability.

Information, pouring into the application from its input interface is not only heterogeneous in format, but also in behaviour. Windowing system may spend quite an effort to manage packets in the application input queue, adding, removing and merging them as necessary to help application behave consistently and compatibly to user expectations.

Newly developed varieties of input devices or application interoperability patterns inevitably present a complicated problem to windowing system developers. Additional packet formats are being added to already messy input interface specification, and preexisting packets must be synthesised artificially for each new packet arriving to enable older applications to work somehow, further cluttering the input interface. Yet, many common user actions are never implemented with the help of common windowing system input queue, forcing applications supporting them to revert to underlying OS’ generic device access methods.


Because hardware of old used for initial design of traditional windowing systems was barely fast enough to support even a single user session properly, the whole windowing system state, including its input and output devices existed as a unique global object. Application loader would utilise this object to create a context for an application being invoked, so that it will be able to immediately start operating its graphical interface, without too much additional hassle. In our modern age, multiple windowing system context objects can exist on the same system simultaneously (Microsoft calls such objects “windows stations”), yet for the above historical reasons they must be local to the application.

Surprisingly, the necessity to maintain graphical subsystem state on the application host turned out to be an advantage, rather then detriment. Remote access client (in Microsoft ecosystem known as “remote desktop”) needs only to work with low level user input and graphic output information. All the complicated activities of contents rendering and window management happen on the application host, which retains the application state over intended and accidental user disconnects. The only major drawback of this approach, not counting inevitable visual quality degradation of the graphical data, is inability to access individual remote applications on the client side like if they were local. This is not a theoretical problem, but rather an artifact of the particular functionality loaded upon the windowing system context object.

The failure which is X11

Even in the days of first graphical user interfaces, some people tried to perceive the future. After couple of not so successful attempts, X11 was created, to become first “natively” networked graphical windowing system.